Thank you for taking the time to test our game made for Melon Game Jam 5. In this management game, everything revolves around water. The map is generated procedurally with pre-arranged water points. You must then manage this resource and create water flows to supply the buildings (this boosts them). We unfortunately don't have time to make many indications so to enjoy the experience here is a small list of buildings and their usefulness:

Houses: Increases the maximum population / Consumes water / decreases satisfaction if not next to a water point

Wells: Generates water (The water generated increases if placed next to a water point)

Shops: consumes water / generates money / generates more money if placed next to a water point

Water digging: Fills with water if next to a water source

Movements: click wheel to move the camera / zoom in and out with the wheel / right click on a box to select it (appears in red if selected)

Improvements: there are 4 improvements per building (to do this you must select the building and click on the corresponding icon) (The price of the buildings is updated according to the level of improvement)

End of the game: If you have no more water, the game ends. We therefore advise you to build a well fairly quickly in order to be able to generate some (remember that all buildings consume water).


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